About the Artist
Richard is a land-based earth artist with his studio and work based in Southern Ontario. He was born in New Jersey and raised in the midwestern United States and on a family farm, moving to Toronto, Canada in 1987. As a Canadian/American artist with work bridging both countries, his art practice remains based at a live/work barn Studio in the Canadian Shield, exploring both an inner spiritual connection to nature along with environmental and climate change issues. His work has received feature print and television coverage, along with solo exhibitions and commissions.
The Studio is a developing environmental art centre, located on a wooded acreage in a large converted barn like an overturned ship on the edge of the Canadian Shield, beside the Crowe River, 40 minutes east of Peterborough and 2 hrs. from Toronto. The barn and woods combine creation, production, exhibition, and education in an environmental context. For further information, contact the artist at richard(at)rawart2.com or on the contact page here. |
Earth Etchings and sculpture video montage
Light dancing on cedar branches, 2016
Interview with the artist showing the Earth Etchings process, 2015